Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Project Life - Week 5

Hoo! I've stuck with it for a month! I hope I can keep this up =)

Sunday, Jan 31
It's time to say goodbye to the train table.... I'm so torn about this. On one hand, I'm sooo ready to get this out of my house, but on the other, it means my baby boy is growing up. Chase was so excited when he got this from Santa on Christmas morning when he was 2, and has played with it often until about a year ago. Last weekend he said "Daddy... I'm ready to get rid of my train table, it's just a junk collector now," so Daddy took it apart. Mitchi had to have one last nap on it as it made it's way out to the garage. Sniff, sniff...

Monday, Feb 1
Time to take down the Christmas Cards.... When do most people take theirs down? I usually leave mine up through January. I see them as a celebration of the holidays & the new year! I just love walking past them, and seeing the smiling faces of my friends kids. Now what to do with them? I might try making a collage similar to Ali's.

Tuesday, Feb 2
I was totally craving vegetables today so I made myself a yummy veggie & tofu stir fry for lunch. Since I made so much, we added some rotisserie chicken, and served it up for dinner too. Nobody would even TRY my tofu...

Wednesday, Feb 3
Daddy wanted me to hem Chase's baseball pants so he opened my new sewing machine, read the directions, and set it all up for me. He even went to Beverly's and bought matching thread, and threaded a new bobbin. Very impressive....

Thursday, Feb 4
Chase's 100th day celebration at school! He looked so cute walking in the door wearing this hat. I'm so bummed that I'm missing so many school activities.

Friday, Feb 5
Chloe was forced to give up her naps last year at the age of 2 1/2 due to Chase's pm Kindergarten schedule. Unfortunately this year's schedule is no better. She's home by 12:45, his pick up's at 2:10. On most days she ends up passing out on the couch around 5:00 or 6:00 for a late nap.

Saturday, Feb 6
The Anderson's stopped by today for a visit, and to drop off a yummy dirt pudding dessert (I'll post the picture next week). The boys had fun playing stomp rocket, but lost them all to the roof!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Project Life - Week 4

sunday, jan 24
yeah! we survived our first sleepover. banana, chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. yummo! chase & j got along so well, he stayed through lunch.

monday, jan 25
made pasta for dinner tonight. sausage ravioli with prego for daddy, cheese ravioli with butter and parmesan for the kids, and spinach and cheese ravioli with a lite alfredo sauce mixed with spinach and tomatoes for me. it would be so nice to make just one.

tuesday, jan 26
catching air with the the mini board ramp! check out the flying cars in the left of the photo.

wednesday, jan 27
so close.... so close, but yet so far... the kids took freckles out for a spin, and mitchi had fun chasing him around the house. they thought it was funny when he would get stuck between the train tracks. chase set up the track all by himself to keep chloe from bugging him while he raced hotwheels on the other side of the room. pretty smart thinking :)

thursday, jan 28
can you say bed head? poor little chloe got my hair. she stayed home sick this week so this was after 2 mornings of not brushing out her tangles. I wish she would have gotten her daddy's thick hair.

friday, jan 29
chloe asked me to draw a bow like the hello kitty's on her new thermos. i'm a horrible artist, but my bow wasn't half bad. then she surprised me with the whole kitty to hang on my bedroom wall.

saturday, jan 30 oba came for the weekend again. she and chase spent hours together making paper cranes. he wanted to hang them over the island because they're beautiful, and he wanted me to be able to look at them.