Friday, January 22, 2010

Project Life - Week 2

Week 2 - better late than never....

Jan 10 - Chloe practicing her letters before bed. She's FINALLY showing an interest in letters & numbers.

Jan 11 - The last night of my sleeping 6 year old. I can't believe my baby will be 7 tomorrow.

Jan 12 - Chase's 7th Birthday!! We had my brothers, and nieces over for a family birthday dinner. We ate tacos, had fun playing wii, assembling and playing Chase's new water racetrack with cars that change color, and Skyping in Amma & Afi to the party. His friends party, a "faux" sleepover will be on Sat, Jan 23rd.

Jan 13 - Chloe and I stuffed her doll & brown bear with the doll making kit she got for Christmas from Amma & Afi.

Jan 14 - Assembling my album. Yay! I got my week one pictures back, and finally started to assemble my album. It probably would have been much easier at the kitchen table, but I needed to elevate my foot, and it gave me a chance to catch up on some Tivo'd shows at the same time. Worked great till Chloe rolled over ;) I found I had a hard time just randomly inserting the cards, I think I prefer them to match a little. Once I started stressing about it, I stopped. I think I'm going to put in the cards as I go for a while, and see how that works.

Jan 15 - Learning Photoshop.... Downloaded Ali's brushes, and figured out how to use them.

Jan 16 - Daddy got up bright and early Saturday morning to scout the A & AA little league tryouts. Chloe & I got to sleep in till 10:00 =)

Jan 16 (2) - Chloe absolutely LOVES dinosaurs right now. Her main Christmas present was a set of 7 dino's that live in a rock. These are her old favorites. The dino's in the back, on the box, are sticking their heads into holes in the ice hoping to catch fish for dinner.


  1. Hello, I like this weeks pictures also. My baby just turned 8, where did the time go? I always want to freeze time at their birthdays. That's why I love scrapbooking, I can always look back at all the years and remember the fun times. That's cool that your daughter likes dinosaurs. I like your writing on the pictures, I need to learn how to do that. I will be posting my new pictures on Tuesday, stop by if you can.

  2. found your blog on j.turner's project life link. i'm learning photoshop too; are brushes easy?

  3. Hi - thanks for stopping by! I didn't see your comments till just now. The writing on my pictures is from Ali Edwards' Days + Months Hand Drawn Brushes that I bought at I only know the VERY basics of Photoshop, and I figured out how to use them. It's pretty easy. I'd like to try adding the date too. Let me know if you need help figuring it out.

  4. I LOVE LOVE Chase's birthday cousin-y picture <3
    love you guys!
    all week i have been waiting for "next Tuesday"
    it's tomorrow! it's tomorrow!
