Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Project Life - Week 3

January 17-23

Sunday, Jan 17
Oba came to SJ today to take Chase to Toys-R-Us for his birthday. She surprised us with balloons for "both" kids! Chase, the lucky boy, got 2 Gormitis, a wii game, and a gumball machine, and since Chloe was such a good girl in the store, Oba got her a few new Littlest Petshop animals.

Monday, Jan 18
Chase asked for mac & cheese, and hot dogs for dinner tonight. I decided to take a chance, and try something different so I cut up the hot dogs and sauteed them the way my mom used to when I was little. He LOVED them! ...even Chloe ate em :)

Tuesday, Jan 19
Chloe... dressed in her summer clothes prepared a lovely picnic for us. We had pizza as an appetizer, then made beef & vegetable stew in her crock pot for dinner. I drank coffee... she had tea. For dessert we had blueberry & strawberry pie. Yummm.....

Wednesday, Jan 20
Rain again!! We've had about 2 weeks or so of steady rain, wind, flooding, thunderstorms, and even a tornado warning.... in California! Crazy!!

Thursday, Jan 21
About a year ago Auntie Sunhui made Chloe an adorable pink crocheted purse that she absolutely loves. Today we received a surprise in the mail... a matching hat, and scarf. Soooo cute!

Friday, Jan 22
Chloe leaving for school. I've been taking pictures of her every morning to make a scrapbook page titled "Morning Chlo". I stole the idea from a friend who posts daily pictures of his new English Bulldog pup Stewie on Facebook called "Morning Stew".

Saturday, Jan 23
Chase's 7th birthday party! A "faux" sleepover. 5 boys, 1 girl. The kids came in PJ's, and brought their sleeping bags, pillows and a favorite stuffed animal. They played wii, made mini pizza's for dinner, each wrote and illustrated one page to contribute to a book titled "The adventures of Chase & his friends", which we scanned, and printed for each child to take home, they played one long game of twister, more wii, had cake and ice cream, opened presents, then snuggled down in their sleeping bags for a movie and popcorn. Parents came to collect them around 10:00. One boy stayed the night... Our very first sleepover.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Project Life - Week 2

Week 2 - better late than never....

Jan 10 - Chloe practicing her letters before bed. She's FINALLY showing an interest in letters & numbers.

Jan 11 - The last night of my sleeping 6 year old. I can't believe my baby will be 7 tomorrow.

Jan 12 - Chase's 7th Birthday!! We had my brothers, and nieces over for a family birthday dinner. We ate tacos, had fun playing wii, assembling and playing Chase's new water racetrack with cars that change color, and Skyping in Amma & Afi to the party. His friends party, a "faux" sleepover will be on Sat, Jan 23rd.

Jan 13 - Chloe and I stuffed her doll & brown bear with the doll making kit she got for Christmas from Amma & Afi.

Jan 14 - Assembling my album. Yay! I got my week one pictures back, and finally started to assemble my album. It probably would have been much easier at the kitchen table, but I needed to elevate my foot, and it gave me a chance to catch up on some Tivo'd shows at the same time. Worked great till Chloe rolled over ;) I found I had a hard time just randomly inserting the cards, I think I prefer them to match a little. Once I started stressing about it, I stopped. I think I'm going to put in the cards as I go for a while, and see how that works.

Jan 15 - Learning Photoshop.... Downloaded Ali's brushes, and figured out how to use them.

Jan 16 - Daddy got up bright and early Saturday morning to scout the A & AA little league tryouts. Chloe & I got to sleep in till 10:00 =)

Jan 16 (2) - Chloe absolutely LOVES dinosaurs right now. Her main Christmas present was a set of 7 dino's that live in a rock. These are her old favorites. The dino's in the back, on the box, are sticking their heads into holes in the ice hoping to catch fish for dinner.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Project Life

My husband calls me a "Scrapbooking Collector". I've been reading scrapbook magazines, and "collecting" supplies for about 7 years now, but have only 1 mini album and 1 year of a Christmas album to show for it. I take tons of pictures, and have every intention of scrapping them, but by the end of the day, after the kids are finally in bed, I'm exhausted, and just want a glass of wine.

I am super excited to be trying Becky Higgins' Project Life. I think this is a project I will ACTUALLY do. Ive been having a blast taking my daily photos, assembling the album, learning the basics of PhotoShop, and checking out the many Project Life blogs linked to The Mom Creative. I am so motivated to complete this album, that I'm considering doing something I would never in my wildest dreams think of doing..... start a blog. I have this incredible fear of writing. I don't know why but I've had it my entire life, well at least since the 2nd grade. I guess by writing this now, I'm doing a bit more than considering, but I'm hoping that posting my photos, along with a few sentences, will help keep me accountable. And.... my blog doesn't necessarily have to be public, it could be just for me. At least for now ;)

Week 1 - Jan 1-9

Jan 1 - Happy New Year from Princess Chloe! Chase had a hard time staying up till midnight, and grumpily went to bed about five minutes after the ball dropped. Chloe, on the other hand, was wide a wake, and wanted to keep celebrating!

Jan 2 - Chase lost his first top tooth! He has the cutest sounding lisp :D

Jan 3 - My new years resolution for 2010 is to completely overhaul our entire lives starting with our parenting. My Ali Edwards word of the year is "Action", and I realize that nothing will change or improve unless "I" take action. I spent most of the day Sunday reading the Supernanny book, creating charts for our "House Rules", "Family Routine", and "Parent Rules". We can't really get started on them till I can walk again, and physically enforce the rules & routine, but at least they're in place, and I've gone over them with my husband. It's a start...

Jan 4 - First day back to school after the long Christmas Break. Poor little Chloe is stuck in the house with me most of the time, and was so excited to go back to school, and see her BFF Allie.

Jan 5 - Had my 4th xray today. The bone is continuing to heal great, and the doc says I'm ready to start slowly putting some weight on my foot. They fit me with a new brace that I can switch to in about 5 weeks or so, once I'm walking pretty regularly in my cast.

Jan 6 - Amy has been so generously bringing Chase home from school for me since I shattered my ankle in Oct. On this day, Dana got out of the car and wanted to play a while. Amy and I had a nice time chatting on the porch while the kids tried out one of Chase's Christmas presents from Amma & Afi.

Jan 7 - Chloe has been really loving to color lately. She's very proud of her new ability to stay within the lines.

Jan 8 - Family Fun Night! It doesn't look like we're having much fun in this picture, but we are! One full hour of wii - Mario Party 8.

The standings:
1st Place Chase
2nd Place Daddy
3rd Place Chloe
4th Place Mommy :(

Followed by Chloe's choice "The Ladybug Game". More my speed ;)

Jan 9 - Round Table Pizza with the Crick's, Dixon's & Davis'. After video games & running around in the play area, the boys finally settled down in their own booth for dinner while watching a Monster Truck Jam on one of the many flat screen TVs. The girls continued to run back and forth down the hall stopping at the table periodically to take a bite of pizza. They're so cute together =)